According to 2022 January data, 113 516 economic entities operated in Lithuania. Compared to 2021 data, the number of operating economic entities increased by 4,6 percent. At the beginning of year 2022, 1 152 economic entities operated in Siauliai district Municipality. It is 5,6 percent more than at the beginning 2021 (1087 economic entities operated). About 1 percent of all economic entities of the country are operating in Siauliai district municipality.
Evaluating the structure of operating economic entities according to the types of economic activity, in the Municipality the largest number of entities are engaged in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (about 23.4%), transport and storage activities (about 13%), manufacturing (about 10 .5 percent). About 8.6 percent of operating entities in the municipality are engaged in agricultural, forestry and fishing activities. While in the country - about 2.1 percent.
At the beginning of year 2022, 949 small and medium enterprises operated in the municipality, it is 82.37 percent of all operating economic entities (in the country this indicator reaches 81.97 %).
Since the Siauliai region is characterized by well-developed agriculture and processing of agricultural products, the Municipality has a lot of businesses of meat processing, bread and cake baking, as well as wood processing and furniture production companies. In addition, non-traditional agricultural businesses are also being developed - the cultivation of soft-furred animals, grape snails, mushrooms, berries, flowers, spices, as well as fisheries, horse breeding, sheep breeding, and forestry.
The municipality has a well-developed infrastructure for business development, there are enough free land areas in the district with nearby communications (electricity networks, gas pipelines, water main networks). From a long-term perspective, this is extremely convenient for the Siauliai region, as it opens up wide opportunities for attracting investments.
Useful links:
Innovation agency:
Lithuanian services catalog:
E-Government Gateway:
Siauliai District Tourism and Business Information Center -
Last updated 2023-02-28 14:33